September 21, 2010

"Love This Life!"

     Well, today has officially worn me out, but I thought I would just write a little about my day. Tuesdays are pretty typical here at the McCall home... I am a teacher's assistant at Farmer Elementary for my education method's classes at the University of Louisville. I am in a 4th grade classroom this semester and spend all day on Tuesdays there and then Wednesdays I go for half of a day. I really enjoy it, and I get to start teaching a little next week! I have been getting prepared for that, and am going to be working on my lesson plan and assessments until then. I am not as much nervous as I am excited. I planned a couple of cute (& meaningful of course) things for my students, and I can't wait to try them out! Prayers please that I do what is best for them and that they actually learn a little bit from what we do in class! Today was a fun day, and after I came home to take the dogs out and make some cookies I headed straight back for their Open House night. It was a good experience, and I got to meet some of the families of the students in my class. They were all very sweet, and I enjoyed being there. But I am absolutely exhausted and ready to get some sleep so that I can do it all again tomorrow! I love that I am going to have my own class so soon! ✎

- love, briana -

P.S. Keep my pastor Ben and his wife Sarah in your prayers! They are currently in Ethiopia picking up their new daughter named Claire who they have been waiting forever for! They got the call on Thursday that their adoption was official and headed to Africa the next day! It is such an exciting time for them, and I can't wait to meet the newest addition to our Avenue family!

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