August 9, 2012

Having Faith

I thought about starting off this blog by apologizing for my lengthy absence to the blog world, but I really have had nothing to say and being that this blog is a reflection of my thoughts when I wish to record them, I realized I have nothing to apologize for! Most of my life is on Facebook so if you're that curious then add me as a friend. :)

I was recently watching an episode of the Glass House which airs on ABC on Monday nights right after The Bachelorette. Let's not even go there... I'm ashamed to say I'm addicted! :) Anyways, on the Glass House there is a lady competing who is Mormon along with a homosexual man. Let's just say that the drama was pretty intense and you could just sense the uncomfortableness in the situation. The poor girl was attacked for her beliefs that homosexuality was not an okay way of life. She tried to explain her beliefs in the kindest way possible but he was having none of it and cut all ties of a possible friendship with her. I felt for the girl because as a Christian I know how it feels to try to explain what you believe and why you believe it without personally attacking the other person's views or way of life.  While I was thinking about it this morning I realized that this is something that so many Christians struggle with. You want to love the world yet hate the darkness but those that live in that darkness cannot comprehend the distinction between the two. That's where faith comes in. 

I don't always know why God's commandments are his commandments. He obviously has reasons for them and my faith is what keeps me following them. Because I know that when I don't follow Him, I suffer the consequences, and when I do follow His words, my life is more joyful and peaceful. I have seen him work over and over again for the past 22 years and there is a consistency in that He has always been there and He has always blessed me when I follow His laws and He has always been there to pick me up when I've failed to do so. He is never-changing. 

I know I'll never win a gay person for Christ by telling them that they need to control their sexual urges or that they shouldn't be allowed to marry someone of the same sex. The way you win people over is by sharing your story and how God has worked in your life. Nobody can argue with your story. It's the one thing they can't debate or contradict because it's not their story to tell. Each person that Jesus interacted with, He left them with a story. At times He told them to tell everyone and at other times He told them to keep silent. Kind of a hard thing to do! 

I just don't want to forget this and keep beating myself up over not having the perfect debate against gay marriage or abortion or whatever the controversial topic is because I never will. If debates and arguments solved problems and won people to Christ than I'd start doing my research. But they don't and I can rest in the fact that I don't have to stress over hoping I have the perfect answer at the perfect time in the perfect place. The only thing that I need is my story and the willingness to glorify Christ by sharing what He has done in me with others that also need to experience His constant, never-changing mercy and love. 

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