October 7, 2010


      I am just quickly updating before my class starts in less than 20 minutes... and normally I wouldn't update on a Thursday just because Thursdays are the longest days of my life this semester... but I will right now because I am just amazed at my brain and how God has designed it and how much He is teaching me through learning. 

     This should probably be an obvious statement, but driving to my 2nd class today I was just immersed in the thought of how much I learn every single day. I know that I am in college and that I am supposed to be learning, but I am not simply talking about school-based education. I'm talking about learning about life and thoughts and actions and things that I cannot even put into words. I am amazed at how much I have been learning about myself lately. I am constantly thinking to myself, "Oh, now I get why that happened," or "So that's why I act this way or say these things or think these thoughts." I guess I am just becoming more aware of my thoughts and actions and how I respond to different things at different times and in different situations. I think the word for it is metacognition... thinking about how you think and why you think the things you do. 

     I am not the type of person that while I am driving has the radio on constantly. Sometimes I will be driving for over 30 minutes and kind of "wake up" and realize that I have just been driving, deep in thought, the entire time. Maybe it is because I am getting older and wiser (I hope!) or maybe it is because God has control of my life now (as opposed to me holding tightly onto plans, plans, and more plans) but I just find myself thinking back to childhood and young adulthood and thinking about how those times were and how they have affected me and who I am today. Is this normal? To me it is completely healthy, and I am loving all these new revelations that God is allowing me to comprehend just a little. Life never ceases to amaze me, and I am just enjoying the learning process. I believe... no, I know that learning lasts forever. I have no doubt in my mind that I will be learning more things than I ever thought possible until the day that my life is over. God is so awesome, and I'm thankful for Him making me this way!! 

- love, briana -

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